Перегляд архіву понеділок, 13 березня 2023

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G1 watch, far side CME, BROR rocket campaign

Quite the surprise this morning as proton levels at the near Earth environment suddenly started to rise this morning and even crossed the minor S1 solar radiation storm level. This was all the result of a major far side coronal mass ejection which you can see in the animation below which we posted on our Twitter account. Be sure to follow us and like the post! Magnetic field lines from the Parker Spiral managed to send some protons our way causing us to cross the minor S1 solar radiation storm level causing minor disturbances in HF radio communications at high latitudes. While impressive, the plasma cloud is of course aimed away from our planet and no further effects should be expected from it.

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Факти про космічну погоду

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Дні без сонячних плям
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вересня 2024149.4 -66.1
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Цей день в історії*

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