Просмотр архива за среда, 26 декабря 2001
Отчет о солнечной активности
Любая солнечная вспышка, упомянутая в этом расчете, имеет масштабирующий коэффициент, применяемый Центром прогнозирования космической погоды (SWPC). Из-за него солнечные вспышки здесь на 42% слабее, чем в научных данных. Из наших архивов этот коэффициент был удален, чтобы показать реальные величины вспышек.
Отчет о солнечно-геофизической активности 2001 Dec 26 2200 UTC
Подготовлено NOAA © SWPC и представлено SpaceWeatherLive.comСовместный отчет USAF/NOAA о солнечной и геофизической активности
Количество SD 360 на уровне 2200Z 26 Dec 2001
IA. Анализ активных солнечных регионов и активности от 25 - 2100Z до 26 - 2100Z
Solar activity was high. Region 9742 (N12W68) produced
an M7/1b proton flare at 26/0540 UTC. The flare was associated with
strong type II/IV sweeps and a 2600 sfu burst at 2695 MHz. This
Region also produced several other flares this past day including an
M1/1f at 26/1226 UTC and an M1/Sf at 26/1718 UTC. Small flares also
occurred in Regions 9748 (S10W48), 9751 (N04E04), and 9754 (S09E24).
Several small new regions were numbered -- 9756 (S28E72), 9757
(S09E02), 9758 (N13E20), 9759 (N17E28), 9760 (N06E35), and 9761
IB. Прогноз солнечной активности
Solar activity is expected to be
moderate to high. Another major flare is possible in Region 9742.
M-class flares are also possible in Regions 9748, 9751, and 9754.
IIA. Обзор геофизической активности от 25 - 2100Z до 26 - 2100Z
The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled. Greater than 100 MeV
and 10 MeV proton events occurred in association with the major
flare discussed in part IA. The greater than 100 MeV event started
at 26/0555 UTC, reached a peak of 50 pfu at 26/0720 UTC, and dropped
below the 1 pfu event threshold at 26/1920 UTC. The greater than 10
MeV event started at 26/0605 UTC, reached a peak of 779 pfu at
26/1115 UTC, and continues in progress (current flux about 115 pfu).
This particle event was also associated with a GLE starting at about
26/0600 UTC and reaching a maximum at about 26/0620 UTC (8% at
Apatity, Oulu, and McMurdo, and 2% at Moscow). A Polar Cap
Absorption event (PCA) also occurred, reaching a peak absorption of
about 9 dB at 26/1115 UTC and continuing in progress at this
IIB. Прогноз геофизической активности
The geomagnetic field is
expected to be quiet to unsettled until the Earth encounters the CME
associated with today's major flare. Active to storm conditions are
expected to begin on 28 or 29 December. The bulk of the CME appeared
to be directed to the west which increases the uncertainty of the
begin time and eventual impact to the geomagnetic field.
III. Вероятность события от 27 - Dec до 29 - Dec
M-класс | 80% | 80% | 80% |
X-класс | 10% | 10% | 10% |
Протон | 99% | 75% | 25% |
PCAF | in progress
IV. Радиоизлучение λ = 10,7см
Наблюдаемый 26 Dec 268
Прогнозируемый 27 Dec-29 Dec 265/260/255
среднее значение за последние 3 месяца 26 Dec 217
V. Геомагнитные индексы
Наблюдаемый Afr/Ap 25 Dec 011/008
По оценкам Afr/Ap 26 Dec 008/006
Прогнозируемый Afr/Ap 27 Dec-29 Dec 008/008-030/012-015/020
VI. Вероятность геомагнитной активности с 27 - Dec до 29 - Dec
A. Средние широты |
Активно | 15% | 50% | 30% |
Слабый шторм | 05% | 25% | 10% |
Большой шторм | 05% | 10% | 10% |
B. Высокие широты |
Активно | 20% | 50% | 50% |
Слабый шторм | 10% | 30% | 20% |
Большой шторм | 05% | 15% | 10% |
Все время в UTC
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