Начало Maксимум Конец Регион Место X-ray Op 245MHz 10cm Переменный 1235 1235 1236 110
10 cm 117 SSN 121 Afr/Ap 014/012 X-ray Background B2 Ежесуточный протоный поток (значение плотности потока в течение 24 часов) GT 1 MeV MSG GT 10 MeV MSG p/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES - $ 1 синхронная спутниковая орбита от W до 113 градусов) Ежесуточный электронный поток GT 2 MeV MSG e/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES - $ 1 синхронная спутниковая орбита от W до 75 градусов) K-индексы на каждые 3-часа Boulder 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 Planetary 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Нет 99999 PLAIN K-Indices: On 16 June, it was determined that a scaling problem exists with the Boulder magnetometer instrument. While this problem, and its fix are being investigated the primary instrument for Boulder K-indices has been switched to the Boulder USGS (via Domsat) magnetometer, effective 1500 UTC on 16 June. GOES Protons: To ensure continued operational monitoring of important energetic particle data, it is necessary to reassign primary/secondary designations for the GOES Space Environment Monitor (SEM) detectors. GOES 11 (113W) is now the primary satellite for protons. GOES 12 will continue as the primary satellite for magnetometer, X-ray, and electron measurements. GOES 10 (135W) will be the secondary satellite for all SEM sensors - magnetometer, X-ray, and energetic particles. Because of the degraded state of the proton data on GOES-10, its designation as the secondary source for proton data is a short-term solution. More permanent solutions have been identified and are being evaluated. Users will be notified when we define and schedule a permanent fix. Further details can be found at http://www.sec.noaa.gov/GOES.html. 99999
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