Просмотр архива за вторник, 4 ноября 2003

Отчет о солнечной активности

Любая солнечная вспышка, упомянутая в этом расчете, имеет масштабирующий коэффициент, применяемый Центром прогнозирования космической погоды (SWPC). Из-за него солнечные вспышки здесь на 42% слабее, чем в научных данных. Из наших архивов этот коэффициент был удален, чтобы показать реальные величины вспышек.
Отчет о солнечно-геофизической активности 2003 Nov 04 2200 UTC
Подготовлено NOAA © SWPC и представлено SpaceWeatherLive.com

Совместный отчет USAF/NOAA о солнечной и геофизической активности

Количество SD 308 на уровне 2200Z 04 Nov 2003

IA. Анализ активных солнечных регионов и активности от 03 - 2100Z до 04 - 2100Z

Solar activity was at high levels today. Region 486 (S17W89) has been rotating off the visible disk today. Even so, as a parting display of it's massive size and complicated magnetic structure, it managed to produce one of the largest x-ray flares on record, an X17(plus)/3b flare at 04/1929Z. The x-ray sensor on GOES was saturated at X17.4 between 04/1944 and 1956Z. Intense radio busts were observed at all frequencies, a Tenflare (at 20000 sfu's), and Type II (estimated shock velocity of 1268 km/s) and Type IV radio sweeps. Indications of an extremely fast moving (2301 km/s) full halo CME were seen on SOHO/LASCO imagery. This region also produced an M2 flare at 04/0556Z and an M1 flare at 04/1349Z. Region 488 (N08W95) produced an M3 x-ray flare as it rotated off the visible disk earlier in the period. Region 497 (N10W45) was newly numbered today.
IB. Прогноз солнечной активности
Solar activity is expected to be at high levels. Region 486 is still capable of producing an isolated major flare even though it will have rotated off the visible disk throughout day one. Days two and three may see moderate levels.
IIA. Обзор геофизической активности от 03 - 2100Z до 04 - 2100Z
The geomagnetic field was at quiet to severe storm levels. A shock passage occurred at the ACE satellite at approximately 04/0600Z due to the CME from the X8 event on 02 Nov. A sudden impulse of 72 nT was observed by the Boulder magnetometer at 04/0627Z. The Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field remained north though most of the day; however, an isolated period of severe storm conditions were observed from 04/0900 to 1200Z. The greater than 10 MeV proton fluxes at geosynchronous orbit have been on a steady decrease through the period and continue above alert levels; the event began at 02/1105Z, and had a maximum of 1570 pfu's which was observed at 03/0815Z. The greater than 2 MeV electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels again today.
IIB. Прогноз геофизической активности
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at predominantly unsettled to active levels. Isolated minor storm conditions are possible during day one due to the elevated wind speeds from the shock passage from earlier today. Day two's activity may stay enhanced due to a glancing blow from the X17 (plus) flare from today. The greater than 10 MeV proton fluxes are currently above alert levels and are expected to be further enhanced due to today's X17 (plus) event. The greater than 100 MeV fluxes are also expected to rise above alert levels early on day one of the period due to the aforementioned activity.
III. Вероятность события от 05 - Nov до 07 - Nov
PCAFin progress
IV. Радиоизлучение λ = 10,7см
  Наблюдаемый       04 Nov 168
  Прогнозируемый   05 Nov-07 Nov  140/130/125
  среднее значение за последние 3 месяца        04 Nov 132
V. Геомагнитные индексы
  Наблюдаемый Afr/Ap 03 Nov  015/010
  По оценкам     Afr/Ap 04 Nov  020/030
  Прогнозируемый    Afr/Ap 05 Nov-07 Nov  020/030-020/030-010/020
VI. Вероятность геомагнитной активности с 05 - Nov до 07 - Nov
A. Средние широты
Слабый шторм20%20%10%
Большой шторм10%10%05%
B. Высокие широты
Слабый шторм35%35%15%
Большой шторм20%20%10%

Все время в UTC

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