Our Sun is suddenly kicking things into a higher gear with numerous sunspots and active regions appearing appearing all over the solar disk. Sunspot regions 2975 and 2978 are by the far the most interesting regions right now and have both been the source of numerous C-class solar flares. Until late this morning that is. Sunspot region 2975 decided enough is enough and gave us a long duration M4.0 solar flare (R1-minor) that peaked at 11:29 UTC. This sunspot region is located right on the center of the earth-facing solar disk, great for an earth-directed coronal mass ejection!
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Ostatnie rozbłyski klasy X | 2025/01/04 | X1.85 |
Ostatnie rozbłyski klasy M | 2025/01/09 | M1.1 |
Ostatnia burza geomagnetyczna | 2025/01/04 | Kp5 (G1) |
Dni bez plam słonecznych | |
Ostatni dzień bez skazy | 2022/06/08 |
Średnia miesięczna liczba plam słonecznych | |
grudnia 2024 | 154.5 +2 |
stycznia 2025 | 144.5 -10 |
Ostatnie 30 dni | 151.1 +32.8 |